Cheeki's debut Album is totally here?!
CheekiPowPow’s long-awaited first project is here! As of 11:59 on May 30th. “Hear Me Roar” has been available for free download via various media outlets, particularly: Reverbnation, and Datpiff.com. This album is the perfect marriage of mixtape she-mixes and original songs, which is why Cheeki often refers to it as her Malbum (mixtape/album) This started with her re-mix of Kid Cudi’s ‘Day N Night’ which has accumulated approximately 30,000 listens/views via myspace and youtube.
Although she can be considered a rookie when it comes to "the business," shes been at it her whole life and her singing and unique writing ability compensate greatly for what she is still learning. Cheeki is independently releasing “Hear Me Roar” but has help from credentialed producer Skyz Muzik and popular up and coming rapper GreggSelf. Producer/graphic designer Prophecy, is also responsible for producing some of Cheeki’s best records. She is currently being guided by a number of reputable moguls but is still seeking a manager that fits her style, energy, drive and vision.

Nevertheless, Cheeki is embarking on the release of her freshman album, the writing and most of the production for her EP is nearly completed. She plans to have a 5 song second introduction to the music world - out by early 2011. Her next moves include the formation of a band for a more engaging live performance. Auditioning for musicals +Modeling and performing more in shows in which she can be a featured act. No Grind no shine, right?
http://www.mediafire.com/file/mznyy22mmyb/HEAR_ME_ROAR_HMR.zip (Direct DwnLd link )
www.datpiff.com/cheekipowpow (Hear & DL)
www.reverbnation.com/#/cheekipowpow (Individual Song DL)
EMAIL: cheekithasinger@gmail.com
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