TATTOO SERIES: Interview with Onestroke Tattoo Gallery Owner Derrick Verley aka Dtatstar

Derrick Verley aka Dtatstar is the owner and head artist of OneStroke Tattoo. He considers himself a student of this game. “I don’t think I can reach the end or top of my game; with me there is always room for personal improvement.” He is easy going and doesn’t take anything to serious because in his eyes “life is life.”
Question: What drew you into getting tattoos in the first place?
Dtatstar: Honestly I got my first tattoo when I decided to quit my actual job, it was a sign of freedom; I knew in my head I wasn’t going back!
Question: Which tattoo was your first? Why did you get it?
Dtatstar: My first tattoo was a large scorpion on my left bicep! It is my zodiac sign as well as my version of the typical "I want something but don’t quite know what to get" tattoo. I later ended up covering it up with a sleeve of dragons.
Question: Which tattoo would you say is the closest to your heart? Why?
Dtatstar: If I had to choose I would say its my whole back tattoo, mainly because it was the first tattoo where I knew what i wanted and it came out exactly how i pictured (even though it is a cover up piece) it was my choice, my design, and my vision.
Question: What would you say is your motivation for getting your tattoos?
Dtatstar: I really don’t have a specific motivation for going under the needle. I’d be lying if I said it was some soul searching purpose behind me getting tattooed.
Question: What made you want to become a tattoo artist? Why?
Dtatstar: On the other hand as far as giving them my motivation is putting out the best artistic interpretation of my clients’ ideas. I feel if you've been giving tattoos for any amount of years and your style, creative flow, or mindset doesn’t grow or change...what are you really in this business for?
Question: Which tattoo you would say hurt you the most and then which one hurt you the least? And why?
Dtatstar: The hand tattoo that I did myself possibly hurt me the least, but my back piece was the most painful... it was a collective of 17 hours and it took a lot out of me!
Question: If you could choose any tattoo artist to tattoo you, who would you choose? And Why?
Dtatstar: This is a hard question for me, I respect a lot of artists work but I don’t have any specific artist that I would say I have a need to be tattooed by. There are many talented men and women in the game and I send kudos to them all but I would be lying if I said I had 1 personal favorite.
Question: What's next for you in the future?
Dtatstar: Whatever the lovely Ms. BGirard puts in my lap!
Question: Any last words for the people that are reading this right now?
Dtatstar: "They say I’m alright, so come get tattooed by me, and you be the judge!" - D.Verley
Onestroke Tattoo Gallery
233-10 Merrick bBvd
Queens, NY 11422
(718) 276-7151
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