Born in Cleveland, Ohio, I was first attracted to graffiti immediately after watching the movie BeatStreet and couldn’t be caught without a piecebook, marker, or can of paint until one day I was and vowed to take a different route with my talent. At the age of 17 I knew without any doubt that I wanted to design products. After earning my BFA in Industrial Design from The Cleveland Institute of Art, working for and with many world-renowned companies such as Motorola, Pitney Bowes, and Nike, I learned to silkscreen and developed an Information Apparel company that ran successfully for 5 years. Then, feeling the need to return to my very first love of painting and working with letters I found tattooing to be the first perfect fit.
I’m also a Capricorn and my favorite color is baby blue.
What drew you into getting tattoos in the first place?
Initially, my attraction was to have something visibly permanent that had significant personal symbolism, then later as I acquired more, some of the focus, had become more decorative.
Which tattoo was your first? Why did you get it?
My first tattoo, which was an original piece, I had designed and got when I was 24 as a college graduation present symbolized where I had been, where I was, and where I wanted to go in my life to help focus me when life’s path becomes blurry.
Which tattoo would you say is the closest to your heart? Why?
My daughter’s portrait. No explanation needed is there?
What would you say is your motivation for getting your tattoos?
Although I am continuing to add portraits of family and close friends to my right arm, lately I’ve been wanting to decorate and graphically balance my body with impressive, well thought out images. No impulse stuff. Besides, my daughter says I don’t have enough tattoos to look like a tattoo artist.
What made you want to become a tattoo artist? Why?
Oddly enough, as someone who was formally trained as a product designer, I had no intention of ever even imagining myself as a tattoo artist until a fellow graffiti artist (Twig - Inked) who had been doing well in Las Vegas came home to visit and blessed me with a custom machine telling met that it was my calling, that I became excited about tattooing.
Which tattoo you would say hurt you the most and then which one hurt you the least? And Why?
The artist that taught me the craft (Gus Turner), that does all my portraits is somewhat heavy handed, so they hurt the most. The least painful was a back of the forearm piece from my man, D-Tatstar at OneStroke. I think because he just has the touch.
If you could choose any tattoo artist to tattoo you, whom would you choose? And Why?
There are so many good artists out there now that I would love to get ink from, but for me, getting ink has to have spiritual connection. Otherwise, no matter how good the work is, if I’m not feelin’ you then your work means little to me. However, if I had to choose, it would be from all my Cleveland peoples who sling ink right now all around the country.
What's next for you in the future?
As for the immediate future, I plan to learn as much as I can about my craft, develop my style and grow closer to my N.Y. family. As for the long term? Hell, I might run for president. Who knows.
Any last words for the people that are reading this right now?
Find at least one of many gifts given to everyone by the Creator that speaks to your soul, develop it relentlessly, continue to learn and grow all while sharing it with the world. Oh, and tip your tat artist.
onestroke tattoo gallery
233-10 merrick blvd
queens ny 11422
(718) 276-7151
233-10 merrick blvd
queens ny 11422
(718) 276-7151
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