8/03/2009 12:00:00 AM
Posted by
Nasty Tai Boogy

My brother from another mother Khalid, just graduated from undergrad and going to purse his graduate in January. I only known him for a year and its seems like forever. He is down to earth, funny, and a music junkie. I was his apprentice learning how to DJ at the college parties on campus this past school year. It was DJ Kha Kha and DJ Tai Boogy on the 1's and 2's almost every Saturday. (Some Saturdays we were studying for that test or paper due on Monday lol) Even though he graduated, college friends last for a lifetime. Check out his blog
The Everything BagelCONTACT INFOTWITTER: http://twitter.com/kHa_kHa1
EMAIL: k.miller1385@gmail.com
AIM: YoimkhaNshyt
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